Monday, May 9, 2011

Hangin' Old School

For the past three summers our electric bill has been skyrocketing (I have this theory that we have an "electric leak" of some sort but my electrician husbands just laughs whenever I mention it).  In an attempt to thwart the impending bills I have resurrected the old clothesline in the back yard.

Chuck filled in the open ends with some spray foam to keep the wasps away (I am epi-pen allergic), I gave myself blisters spray painting the poles a pretty green then my husband ran the line and added some support for the aging poles.

A surprising thing happened when I started pining up the clothes and dutifully checking to see if they are dry; I found that I love it!  Maybe its the extra dose of vitamin D or the fresh smell and crisp feel of the clothes, I don't know but I do know that I'm filled with an extra sense of pride and accomplishment when I dress in the morning or lay down in my fresh sheets at night.

I'm anxious, too, for the electric bill next month to see if its making a financial difference.  I doubt, though, that any financial gain will make me give up my new found pleasure.

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