Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Poem

When going through some old stuff of mine I came across a poem I wrote about five years ago. It was inspired when Chuck I drove past a harvested field. It was night-time, and the crescent moon was high in the sky, as we drove past the field we saw the most beautiful sight. Millions of fire-flies danced about. Never before have I seen such a sight, and never since. Later, I got to thinking about all the living that happens when the sun goes down. How the setting sun, which typically announces an end is really a beginning. Not only is there a whole world of beautiful, nocturnal elements; but it also ushers in our dreams and the adventures we lead, even while we sleep. This poem was a tribute to all adventures, real and imagined, that come out with the moon.

Full Cycle

A midnight hue, of darkest blue
with legends in the air.
Field aglow with lights below
a dance of love so rare.
Full-moons and night-time blooms,
nocturnal elements.
The setting sun has unknowingly begun
a cycle of events.
Wishes and walks and whispered talks
float on an unseen breeze.
Night-time prayers and covered layers
unlock the fantasies.
Sword fights and distant kites;
heroes, wars, and love.
The light ebbs in, calling to an end
what it unknowingly begun.

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